Hot Streaks:
10-4-1 in last 15 plays in FB Best Bets
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Last updated Dec 4, 1:28 PM EST
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#1 Handicapper of the Year in 2022 at the Sports Watch Monitor out of Las Vegas! Cajun-Sports lead handicapper Robbie Gainous has been handicapping sports professionally since 1989. Over Robbie's 30+ years in the business, he has won too many handicapping titles to mention. Here are just a few career highlights. Robbie won the 26th Annual Vegas Wiseguys Contest taking 1st Place against 49 of the best handicappers in the world. Robbie's record in the contest was 24-12 ATS (67%) and 13-5 ATS (72%) on the required top play each week of the football season. Robbie has also taken Sports Watch Monitor season titles in the NFL going 49-17 ATS (74.2%) (+$22,528) and in MLB going 141-106 (57.1%) (+$13,044).
Robbie Gainous is a certified SDQL (Sports Data Query Language) Master and utilizes the SDQL databases to assist with the selection process. That is just one portion of the process he also uses predictive analytics and his own power ratings which include his Team Performance Ratings Index, Player Performance Index, Math Model, and his SIM Matrix. Success is where preparation meets opportunity.